The most recent films I have watched are Batman vs. Superman and Say Anything. Batman vs. Superman was released this summer and Say Anything was released in the late 80s. Batman vs. Superman contains a few foreign characters in the film. Throughout the movie, the foreigners are portrayed as the enemies. Right in the beginning, the foreigners kid nap Superman's girl and attempt to kill people with a destructive bomb. Because of this, the audience sees these foreigners as violent and dangerous. The foreigners' location also takes place in a location that appears to be middle eastern. The location is in the middle of nowhere and appears to be dangerous. Because of this, the foreigners' appear to be stereotypical of how Americans may view middle eastern people. It may also be stereotypical of how Americans view the Middle East. In Say Anything, the plot focuses on two white Americans living in Seattle, Washington. Both characters have white friends and white family members. Say Anything does not include any foreign people or black people throughout the movie. This movie being made in the late 80s shows how non-diverse American films were during that time. It also shows how far American films have come in a short period of time. In both of these films, foreigners are either seen as dangerous or non-existent to American culture.
In Batman vs. Superman the foreigners are treated as enemies. They are seen as dangerous to the main characters of the film. The location of the foreigners is seen alienating and violent. For the audience, the foreigners are given no chance to redeem themselves throughout the movie. From beginning to end, the foreigners are the antagonist of the film. As mentioned earlier, Say Anything does not include any foreigners. For this film, foreigners are seen as non existent.
I think in American films language, skin color, or gender of foreign characters does make a difference. I think because American films are predominantly white, a foreign character stands out. In some films, their difference is seen as a defying factor to their character. In other situations, the foreign character is simply just different. I think American films do a good job at including a diverse range of characters but I think certain types of cultures are always seen the same way. I think a foreign love interest is exotic if it takes place between an American character and a foreign character. This is because both characters come from entirely different cultures.
I think American films interpret foreigners through an American gaze. For example, in Batman vs. Superman the Middle Eastern people are seen as living in a dangerous location. They are seen as violent enemies with unlimited access to bombs and other weapons. To a middle eastern person, this may appear stereotypical in the sense that all middle eastern people have these same qualities. I think American films are great for entertainment and do include a wide range of cultures for their characters. However, American films may be portraying foreign characters in a very bias way.
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